This function is used to summarize the counts of each barcode.
bc_plot_count(barcodeObj, bins = 20, useCleaned = TRUE)
# S4 method for class 'BarcodeObj'
bc_plot_count(barcodeObj, bins = 20, useCleaned = TRUE)
A egg::ggarrange object
When useCleaned is TRUE, the cleaned barcode data will be used. Otherwise, the messy barcode data will be used. The output will be different when useCleaned is TRUE or FALSE. It also depends on whether the UMI is available. The counts include:
reads count (with barcode) versus the total reads
reads count per UMI
UMI count per barcode
barcode count per sample
reads or UMI count (dominant barcode) versus total count per sample
reads or UMI count (dominant barcode) distribution