New features

Adding function bc_create_BarcodeObj enabling import processed barcode data

a16a9e7 feat: Adding function bc_create_BarcodeObj enabling import process barcode data 45d886a test: adding test for processed data import 1d5f4de doc: add bc_create_BarcodeObj document


Make sure object is data.frame instead of tibble or data.table

895e9a9 fix: make sure the data.frame is pure data.frame instead of tibble or data.table 31e6989 fix: error while checking data.frame


Error messages and input checks

f84b2a1 chore: message if no barcodes found in bulk sequencings e0cded9 chore: Error message when no barcodes are found 3beef87 chore: Check input for sam and bam file

New features

  • bc_extract_sc_bam: function to extract single-cell barcodes from BAM file.

New features

  • bc_extract_sc_sam: function to extract single-cell barcodes from SAM file
  • bc_extract_sc_fastq: function to extract single-cell barcodes from fastq file
  • bc_plot_count: function to plot the count feature of the barcodes such as barcode reads versus total reads, reads per UMI distribution.

Incompatible changes

bc_extract now only accepts a vector or list, and returns BarcodeObj, instead of returning data.frame when the input is a single sample.

Version bumping


  • Reduce memory usage by removing the original sequence in barcodeObj.

  • Impromve fastq reading efficiency by using Rcpp.

New features

  • bc_splitVDJ split VDJ barcode (experimental).

  • bc_extract_10XscSeq function used to extract transcripted barcode in 10X Genomics scRNASeq data.

Bug fix

  • fix the error of bc_cure_cluster.

Just version bumping

Just version bumping