Finds the cutoff point for the barcode count filtering based on the barcode count distribution.
bc_auto_cutoff(barcodeObj, useCleanBc = TRUE)
# S4 method for class 'BarcodeObj'
bc_auto_cutoff(barcodeObj, useCleanBc = TRUE)
a numeric vector
of the cutoff point.
The one dimension kmeans clustering is applied to identify the "true barcode" based on the read count. The algorithm detail is: 1. Remove the barcodes with counts below the median of counts. 2. Transform the count by log2(x+1). 3. Apply the 1-dimension clustering to the log count, with the cluster number of 2 and weights of the log count. 4. Choose the minimum count value in the cluster with more counts as cutoff point.
For more info about 1 dimension kmeans used here please refer to
#> ------------
#> bc_auto_cutoff: cleanBc is used.
#> ------------
#> test1 test2
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