This function merges two ggfigdone databases. The function will update the figures in the 'to' database with the figures in the 'from' database. If there is a figure with the same ID in both databases, the function will keep the figure with the latest updated date or created date.

fd_merge(from, to = fd_get_db(), replace = "updated_date")



An object of class fdObj that will be merged from.


An object of class fdObj that will be merged to. The default value is the default ggfigdone database.


A character string specifying the method to keep the figure with the unique ID. It can be either "updated_date" or "created_date".


An object of class fdObj with the merged database.


## create ggfigdone database in a temporary directory
db_dir1 = file.path(tempdir(), "db1")
db_dir2 = file.path(tempdir(), "db2")
fo1 = fd_init(db_dir1, rm_exist = TRUE)
#> The database version is up-to-date.
fo2 = fd_init(db_dir2, rm_exist = TRUE)
#> The database version is up-to-date.

## Draw a ggplot figure
g = ggplot(mtcars, aes(x=wt, y=mpg)) + geom_point()

## Add the figure to the database
fd_add(g = g, name  = "fig1", fdObj = fo1)
#> Automatic saving the ggfigdone data to the disk ...
#> [1] TRUE
fd_add(g = g + theme_classic(), name  = "fig2", fdObj = fo2)
#> Automatic saving the ggfigdone data to the disk ...
#> [1] TRUE

## Merge the databases
fo_merge = fd_merge(from = fo1, to = fo2, replace = "updated_date")

## Show the updated ggfigdone database
#> ##########
#> ## ggfigdone database: /var/folders/s6/160mpqjd6rl4lks63zb7f4900000gn/T//RtmpsqSsjk/db2
#> ## Number of figures: 2
#> ## Last updated date: 2024-12-26 16:12:15
