This function adds a ggplot object to the ggfigdone database. It can also be utilized to update an existing figure using its figure ID.
g = last_plot(),
fdObj = fd_get_db(),
width = 10,
height = 10,
units = "cm",
dpi = 200,
overwrite = FALSE,
id = uuid::UUIDgenerate()
A character string representing the figure name.
A ggplot object.
An object of class fdObj
A numeric value specifying the width of the canvas.
A numeric value specifying the height of the canvas.
A character string indicating the units of the canvas.
A numeric value denoting the dpi of the canvas.
A logical value. If set to TRUE, the function will overwrite the figure if it already exists. If set to FALSE, the function will terminate with an error message.
A character string representing the figure ID. If not provided, the function will generate a random ID. Alternatively, an existing ID can be provided to update the corresponding figure.
An object of class fdObj
## Initial ggfigdone database using `fd_init`
db_dir = file.path(tempdir(), "fd_add_exp")
fo = fd_init(db_dir, rm_exist = TRUE)
#> The database version is up-to-date.
## Draw a ggplot figure
g = ggplot(mtcars, aes(x=wt, y=mpg)) + geom_point()
## Add the figure to the database
fd_add(g = g, name = "fig1", fo)
#> Automatic saving the ggfigdone data to the disk ...
#> [1] TRUE
## Add the same figure with a different name
fd_add(g = g, name = "fig2", fo)
#> Automatic saving the ggfigdone data to the disk ...
#> [1] TRUE
## Show the updated ggfigdone database
#> ##########
#> ## ggfigdone database: /var/folders/s6/160mpqjd6rl4lks63zb7f4900000gn/T//RtmpsqSsjk/fd_add_exp
#> ## Number of figures: 2
#> ## Last updated date: 2024-12-26 16:12:13